Hello, i need help or information on how to deal with Mr Kazuki Morikawa of Global Partners who was paid for an Isuzu d-max worth $23000 and has yet to deliver the car. He has been giving us the run around since July and not forthcoming with any information. as of yesterday another relative asked for the same car by creating a new account and Kazuki promptly sent information that the car was available after lying to my auntie that the car was already on the way to Tanzania since last week Monday with no shipping information.Once my cousin confronted him and asked that he refunds the money because she is aware that the car had already been paid for kazuki blamed the error on a staff member which is not true because he is handling everything by himself. Even those local offices contact if you email them it is Kazuki who answers. Can anyone help to point me in the right direction of where i can report him?
Thank you.