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Thread: SCAM ALERT: A person claiming to be a Japan-based exporter is impersonating TS EXPORT

  1. #1

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    Default SCAM ALERT: A person claiming to be a Japan-based exporter is impersonating TS EXPORT

    We've received multiple reports from people who've been scammed. I'm posting this to bring awareness with the hope that no-one else goes through the experiences that have been reported to us.


    "Export Nippon"
    "Direct Imports"
    "Japan Campers"
    "Motorhomes Direct"
    "Toyota Camroad Motorhomes"
    "Japan RVs"
    "Japan Campers RVs"
    "RV Sales Exports"
    "Japanese Motorhome Exports"
    "Vega Motorhomes"
    "Motorhomes Japan"

    Mark Davis
    Markus Sanatana
    David Petrucci
    Dave Moise
    Dave Waren
    David Stevens
    Mark Stevens
    Patrick Davey
    Davey Roberts
    Bill Roberts
    Paul Roberts
    Paul Martin
    Heather Cusbert



  2. #2

    User Info Menu

    Thumbs down

    Basically this is ts export posting personal information against a competitor .so this is not a genuine unbiased review. best to check this out about ts export
    Last edited by Pauljdm; 12-10-2021 at 03:11 PM.

  3. #3

    User Info Menu


    The owner of ts export and his wife/president of the company are both currently under investigation for these offences in three countries

    Penal Code 647j PC – Criminal Invasion of Privacy in California
    The General Data Protection Regulation (EU) 2016/679 (GDPR) is a regulation in EU law on data protection and privacy in the European Union (EU)

    So they are in no position to be preaching about being honest.

  4. #4

    User Info Menu


    Hello Paul and welcome. It's not very clear to me who is who based on this thread and reports here. I assume you are one of the names that has been listed in the thread? TS Export claims they are being impersonated, so are you referring to the actual company or possibly some impersonators? For example are you an Exporter and what is the source on the claims of police investigation and how do you know this?

  5. #5

    User Info Menu


    Seems Paul's having problems identifying himself. Wonder who he could be?

    "Paul Roberts"? "Paul Martin"? "Paul P"? or no surname "Paul"?

    Or "Sales director Paul" who pretends to work for our company?

  6. #6

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    Quote Originally Posted by jdmvip View Post
    are you an Exporter and what is the source on the claims of police investigation and how do you know this?
    Crickets. Is this a difficult question?

  7. #7

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    Came through with an enquiry today:

    "PS i think i had some exchange with the scam you're referring too...indeed it was really weird and i preferred to stop exchanging with him!!!"

    One person saved from sending money into the scammer's bank account, having it converted into crypto-currency and never seen again.

  8. #8

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    [QUOTE=Tsuchiyama;105635]Came through with an enquiry today:

    Why would a genuinely transparent company hide all reviews and comments on their Facebook, youtube, and all social media? Such is the case with tsexport as the review section of ts exports facebook page has been hidden and tsexports youtube channel has all coments turned off ? perhaps this is done in an effort to hide any negative reviews from unhappy customers.

    hiding comments 1.jpg

    It must also be noted that tsexport is using a paid service on there whois to hide there information as also they have a fake iceland address and email very interesting. Like the saying goes people in glass houses should not throw stones.

    Tsuchiyama aka the owner of tsexport and the person that started this biased thread is obviolsy usinf this forum for hos own personal agenda. from what I can see pretty much all of this thread is biased .After reading the terms of service here attacks on persons is all not allowed but is on here anyway.

    This is supposed to be a unbiased forum but seems the ties between the owner of ts export belay all that
    Last edited by Pauljdm; 01-01-2022 at 12:20 PM.

  9. #9

    User Info Menu


    Seems your having a problem violating privacy laws worldwide as the owner of tsexport and you are using this forum for your own personal attack on a competitor and his family including posting illegal links with privately taken photos. incidentally the process of getting a court judgment for criminal invasion of privacy in Japan and the Eu on you as the owner of ts export and also your wife as the president of ts export for posting privately taken photos is well under way. Did you know that in Japan it is a criminal offence for a Japanese resident who is residing in Japan at the time of posting personal photos online without the consent of the person or persons depicted in those photos and that includes the posting of a link or method to view those photos.

    Penal Code 647j PC – Criminal Invasion of Privacy in California
    The General Data Protection Regulation (EU) 2016/679 (GDPR) is a regulation in EU law on data protection and privacy in the European Union (EU)

  10. #10

    User Info Menu


    The owner of tsexport has a illegal and defamatory link posted here and on his company website in violation of the Eu and japanese privacy laws of posting photos of persons without there consent.\in Japan it is a serious criminal offence to post a persons image in a defamatory manner regardless of the facts of truth or innocence if the poster is a Japanese resident residing in japan at the time of posting and making the post within Japan. the poster Tsuchiyama aka the owner of tsexport has broken the rules of posting here as well by posted names and using this forum for personal attacks on other people or exporters.

    Penal Code 647j PC – Criminal Invasion of Privacy in California
    The General Data Protection Regulation (EU) 2016/679 (GDPR) is a regulation in EU law on data protection and privacy in the European Union (EU)
    Last edited by Pauljdm; 01-01-2022 at 12:53 PM.

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