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Thread: 1999 Stagea

  1. #1

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    Default 1999 Stagea

    Hi I have owned my Stagea for about two years but finally started to drive her and realized that it might get to cold for her. I have been looking at installing a block heater but I can't find one and when I contact Nissan directly they cant help me either. Where should I be looking? Help

  2. #2

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    Hey Sampson,

    Congrats on the Stagea, how do you like it? I really haven't seen many of those around for awhile!
    I believe you should be able to install any external block heater easily. But being in BC I don't know much about them (although with our cold snap some cars have needed a few extra cranks so this may be something I need to look at soon!).

  3. #3

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    I love it. She is in great condition and I just want to keep her that way. I never thought I would need one but we were hit hard this year with the cold snap.

    Ok thank you!

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