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Thread: Canada customs and vehicle ownership paper?

  1. #1

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    Default Canada customs and vehicle ownership paper?

    Hey guys, I’m new here in the process of having my car shipped on RO/RO which is on its way to Canada as I type.
    I have a customs clearance related question on something that has me really stressed with this procedure.
    Upon picking the car up myself (I plan to clear it from customs) will I need an ORIGINAL copy of the ownership of the car? I have a photo copy of the ownership that the seller sent me during the purchase of the car.
    When the car was dropped off for shipping the driver planned to leave the ownership inside the car but was told he can’t.
    He recently mailed the ownership to me however I think it’s likely that it won’t arrive by the time the car arrives.
    As far as the rest of the paperwork goes I believe I have it in line but will not having the original ownership for the car stop CBSA from clearing and releasing it to me?

  2. #2

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    Welcome, RAF this is highly unusual unless I am misunderstanding what you are referring to. Maybe there is some sort of miscommunication with your Exporter or they have never shipped to Canada or are new to the business?

    What I am assuming you mean is the "Title" AKA ownership which is the "Export Certificate" and you will need the original one. I am not surprised the shipping agent would not allow that document to be left in the car (imagine if it does disappear it would be a nightmare!). 99% of any Exporters should send you this from Japan by post.

    You can see my guide for customs here: JDM Car Clearance Customs Guide Canada

    I'm sure it is stressful now but can you let us know what you are bringing in and make a pic thread for us?

  3. #3

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    Quote Originally Posted by jdmvip View Post
    Welcome, RAF this is highly unusual unless I am misunderstanding what you are referring to. Maybe there is some sort of miscommunication with your Exporter or they have never shipped to Canada or are new to the business?

    What I am assuming you mean is the "Title" AKA ownership which is the "Export Certificate" and you will need the original one. I am not surprised the shipping agent would not allow that document to be left in the car (imagine if it does disappear it would be a nightmare!). 99% of any Exporters should send you this from Japan by post.

    You can see my guide for customs here:

    I'm sure it is stressful now but can you let us know what you are bringing in and make a pic thread for us?
    Thanks for the reply,
    I’m actually importing a 1992 Fiat 126p from Poland.
    Yes, I am talking about the original Polish ownership for the car.
    The car was truck transported to Hamburg Germany from Poland where it is now going on Ro/Ro to Halifax. Once it arrives in Halifax I will be driving out from Ontario with my pickup truck and car hauler trailer to trailer the car back home at which point I’ll start what I need to do to register and insure the car in Ontario.

    I know its not a JDM but this is the only forum that talks about Ro/Ro and importing vehicles in Canada and reading hundreds of pages and going back 10+ years of posts on here I’ve learned a lot and I hope you guys don’t mind me asking for some help on here.
    I was expecting for the transport driver to leave the ownership inside the car when dropping it off at the port but someone at the actual Hamburg port told him not to, he was told its best to courier mail the ownership to me.
    That being said I dont think the driver was able to mail the ownership to me right away and although I assume the ownership is on its way to me I’m also stressing out I won’t receive it in time to have with me when I pickup the car.
    Not only that but I originally planned to drive out to Halifax a few days before the car arrives which leaves me less time to receive the original ownership.
    I do have a photocopy of the ownership that the seller sent me previously. My shipping agent will need emailing me the BOL. I also do have the export paperwork customs paperwork copies from Poland before the car was sent out, car appraisal (done in Poland) and a bill of sale
    I’m a long time car guy but its my first time importing a car and this is all definitely out of my comfort zone.
    I was hoping I would be able to clear the car from customs without an original Polish ownership from the car with me incase the ownership does not arrive in time.
    Last edited by RAF; 04-03-2022 at 09:53 PM.

  4. #4

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    Got it, you could call CBSA. I am not sure 100% what the official policy is, as I have always brought my original. You could explain the situation and see what happens, let us know!
    They are fairly nice and understanding but I am not sure if it's the law that they need the original Export Cert, though ICBC certainly will be taking it once you register it.

    Let's see the Fiat once you have a chance!

  5. #5

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    Quote Originally Posted by jdmvip View Post
    Got it, you could call CBSA. I am not sure 100% what the official policy is, as I have always brought my original. You could explain the situation and see what happens, let us know!
    They are fairly nice and understanding but I am not sure if it's the law that they need the original Export Cert, though ICBC certainly will be taking it once you register it.

    Let's see the Fiat once you have a chance!
    Thanks, I might try giving them a call in Halifax and see what they tell me. In the meantime fingers crossed it will arrive before I have to head out to pickup the car.
    That reminds me. I realize the shipping company charges storage after 5-7 days the car has landed but how long do I have to notify Canada customs about the car arriving after it has landed?

    I’m not sure why but it won’t let me upload a picture on here
    Last edited by RAF; 04-05-2022 at 12:56 PM.

  6. #6

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    We’ll I got news today that the transport driver has get to mail out the original car ownership to me. To say the least I’m furious seeing as the car is a week away from arrival it doesn’t look like there’s any way I will have the original ownership on time for the cars arrival. My only chance is Canada customs will not request the ownership original on the spot

  7. #7

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    Sorry to hear, hopefully it all works out in the end as you will definitely not be able to register the vehicle without the original Export Cert. I would not blame the transport driver though as it is not really in their description to handle any of this. On one hand I think they helped you somewhat by not just leaving the Export Cert in the vehicle, unless it was specifically their job or they are the seller themselves.

  8. #8

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    Quote Originally Posted by jdmvip View Post
    Sorry to hear, hopefully it all works out in the end as you will definitely not be able to register the vehicle without the original Export Cert. I would not blame the transport driver though as it is not really in their description to handle any of this. On one hand I think they helped you somewhat by not just leaving the Export Cert in the vehicle, unless it was specifically their job or they are the seller themselves.
    Absolutely. I didn’t say it was the drivers fault one but. I’m actually a truck driver myself. It would of however been nice if the shipping company handling this would have gave the transport company, the seller or me the info where they want the original ownership or how it should be forwarded. Actually at one point the shipping company did say it stays in the car which is what lead to this issue.
    Anyway, it is what it is now and I’m just hoping it won’t take much longer to arrive after the car does.
    In your message above you said I won’t be able to get the car under my name with the original ownership? I’m not worried about that, I can get that done once I transport the car home on my trailer. Or does this happen at the spot with Canada customs?
    I’m mainly worried weather Canada customs will clean the car and release it to me without the original ownership?

  9. #9

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    following. thank you

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