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Thread: JDM Subaru Impreza WRX General Maintenance Guide

  1. #1

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    Default JDM Subaru Impreza WRX General Maintenance Guide

    This should at least apply to the early model JDMs until 1996 and even then not too many things changed but I take no responsibility for the accuracy of this info even though most has been sourced from the Service Manual itself.

    This is basically my own mini-guide and check list for my soon to be landed Subaru Impreza WRX Type RA

    Engine Oil (4.5 Litres):
    10W30 Royal Purple (Amsoil is not available locally) will be my preference based on the Vancouver, Canada climate.

    Subaru recommends between the range of 5W30 to 10W40 depending on driving conditions and climate.

    The service manual does not recommend a specific oil but for colder conditions you should use 5W30 and for extremely hot conditions use 10W40

    Oil Filter:
    The good folks at NASIOC and also Type RA owners club assure me that basically any WRX or STi oil filter will bit and do the job just fine so this will not be an issue. Just pick your favorite brand and go with it.

    *Important note about the coolant
    Subaru recommends that you only use genuine Subaru Coolant to avoid corroding or rusting the engine because many coolants contain chemicals and/or additives that may harm our precious EJ20 engines. They don't force you to go with genuine Subaru oils so I'm sure there is a damn good reason we should heed their advice.

    I've attached a list of Subaru's recommended oils and also the location of the oil filter & drain plug. Speaking of that the service manual does not point out what side or area of the car to get at the drain plug. Can anyone tell us where this actually is?

    For example on my Honda Accord you get to the drain plug by removing the drivers side tire and the transmission is on the passenger side.
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    Last edited by jdmvip; 04-29-2008 at 02:31 PM.

  2. #2

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    Default Service Intervals

    I don't know about you guys but I think the 6 months or 12,500 KM engine oil and filter interval is pushing it a little too long.

    Just to be safe I think I should be fine doing the oil every 3 months, I'm sure it can't hurt.
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  3. #3

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    Default Fuel & Fluid Capacities

    Make sure you read the chart properly, you will probably only want to pay attention to the "Turbo" fields
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  4. #4

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    right mate


    iff you look under the front bumper (center) you will see the filter its right at the front (you cant miss it )... look futher down abit and you will see the drain plug (like in the pic).....keep going down to where the gearbox joins the block and right in the center you will find the gearbox drain plugg....

    your pics are spot on (iff your facing it) and iff your on your back its the other way.
    i changed my oil every 5k and ran motul 15/50
    have a wee read off oilmans posts on typeRA he know alot off stuff about oils

    hope this is off some help mate.....

    oh by the way ive got the pics off the mates evo1 i will try to update the post at the weekend when hes round at the house
    Last edited by wrxtypeRA; 05-01-2008 at 11:00 AM.

  5. #5

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    Thanks jodie that is very helpful!
    As soon as the car leaves the yard I'll be changing the oil.

    I'm nervous because the oil has not been changed in the car for 3+ months at least and the car has been sitting.

    Those pics are from the UK Spec service manual

    I'll look up oilmans posts thanks for that!

    Please do post some EVO GSR Version 1 pics.


  6. #6

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    I thought I'd update this. The gearbox for the early GC8's actually takes 4 litres and not 3.5. The 3.5 on the chart is for lmp quarts, not litres.

  7. #7

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    I'm not sure what the right amount of transmission fluid is. I checked the dipstick and it is definitely to the full line, but then again I usually overfill closer to 3.8+ liters.

    Can anyone clear this up?

  8. #8

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    Default oil capacity

    did you determine the oil capacity for the GC8? Litres.

    I had 10-30 Royal Purple in mine for the summer, and went to 5-20 for the winter. It made my valve cover leak much worse... would go for 5-30 next time, probably year round.

  9. #9

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    It's definitely 4.5 litres for the engine oil.

    The discrepancy was about transmission oil.
    My Type RA transmission (probably same box housing as normal WRX but different gearset) seems to show full at 3.8 litres

    Another member puckhead reported his dipstick showing full at 3.7 litres.

  10. #10

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    Has anyone tried to use syncromesh in their RA tranny? Would there be any negative consequences of doing so?

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