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Thread: Exporting a Honda Motocompo

  1. #1

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    Question Exporting a Honda Motocompo

    Good day to y'all! I need some advice and help on how to buy and export a Honda Motocompo from Japan to EU. I already tried messaging several exporters that I could find on the net, but either they were not interested or didnt respond at all. All proxy services like Buyee and many others do not want to take risks, which is understandable, even though the bike itself is small. So, how would a person go about buying one from Japan and then putting it onto a RORO/Container to the EU? I know this might not fit the car - related discussions, but I feel like I am running out of options or just looking in the wrong places. If you know somebody or a company that could provide these services, could you please let me know? I would be most thankful.
    Have a great rest of the day,

  2. #2

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    Hi there, what an interesting little bike. It is really a specialty item but you'd think there could be some service who could put it in a crate or something and get it over to you. I'm surprised that even for an extra fee that Buyee wouldn't help arrange something but perhaps it's too much liability and an unusual item to package safely. Failing that, your next option would be to arrange a container.

    Please keep us updated on your search and I've reached out to a few friends to see if they know anyone who could help.

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