I hate to break it to you but you guys are all wrong. 14 hours is an UNDER-ESTIMATE to do a 185 or 205 clutch. The transaxle and transmission are one solid unit weighing about 300 pounds (no joke). You have to first remove the engine and transaxle as one unit, then change the clutch, and to mate the transaxle and engine again, I had to flip the engine on its side, and drop the transaxle in from above using a hoist. This is known as the missle silo method, don't believe me? Check out this thread http://www.alltrac.net/phpBB2/viewto...23761&start=60
Removing the transaxle with the engine in the car has been done but by very few people do it due to its weight and the fact that the engine and transaxle are similar to an elephant and a rhinoceros, they simply don't want to mate, you must force it upon them with all your might, which usually ends up as you dropping the transaxle from above.
I know all this because I own a CDM st185, I changed the clutch a few months ago. Car was down for over a month total.