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Thread: CARCHS Co. Ltd. terrible...

  1. #11

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    Quote Originally Posted by Vr4much? View Post
    I looked at their stock for 3 months, the first car I inquired about was a modified rx7 fc which turned out to have a blown turbo, second car was a legacy which had engine problems third car I inquired about I get the response "You inquire too much, but don't buy so please don't look at our stock anymore or e-mail us"

    It's funny cause all this information I got is by inquiring and would never have known if I didn't

    The worst salesperson I ever dealt with ( Fahri Vokhidov )

    At least you got to the point of buying a car from them - that person - Fahri Whatshername - is damned rude and refused to send extra pictures of the vehicle to me - she told me I would have to pay for the car first before more pictures could be sent, and called me a psycho and a freak...

  2. #12

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    Quote Originally Posted by CARCHS Co (FAHRI) View Post
    [FONT="Arial Black"][COLOR="Orange"]Hello Everybody,
    My Name is Fahri Vokhidov, I have registered to refute the alegations that were started in this thread.
    First of all it would be wise if the thread owner brought all the emails and tell the whole story we had with him so that the viewers would see the whole picture. Even in the court, justice is revealed by viewing the both sides of the story. Unfourtunately I could not find his name and could not identify him otherwise I would bring my emails we had with the owner of the thread.

    Secondly, honesty in dealing with the clients is my priority in my work. Before the person decides to buy I translate him the condition report to the best of my knowledge so that the client knows what is he buying. I also try to reply all inquiries. We have sold so many cars, and I had only one claim from Australia so far. We tried to help him out with parts but he managed himself. But other then that I did not have any claims, on the contrary all the clients are coming for second and third cars.
    I was thinking to start a feedback page in our homepage but not sure if get approval from IT in our company. But those who have bought cars from Carchs please leave your comments here so that the viewers may know more about Carchs Co.
    If I hurt thread-owner with such remark I do apologize. I wish we will continue providing HONEST SERVICE to our customers in the future too.

    And I will await for inquires for our stock and promise to give you best service. Just mention that you have seen this forum.



    You have the nerve to lie like that to members of this forum - why don't you tell them how rude and abusive you are to customers, why there is no one to complain to in your company about your deceitful ways, and why you refuse to supply complete sets of pictures to potential buyers?

    I warn members about these CARCHS people - they deliberately conceal defects in the vehicles they sell, and this Fahri person insults you if you point this out to them. I can supply copies of abusive emails this person has sent to me.

  3. #13

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    well at least they came here and trie to defend themselves.. that proves they are concerned with there reputation..

    can you post some of these emails..


  4. #14

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    Quote Originally Posted by dah_hunter View Post
    well at least they came here and trie to defend themselves.. that proves they are concerned with there reputation..

    can you post some of these emails..

    Oh don't be so naive - do you think they'll come out and say "we're so sorry to be dishonest, and from now on we'll try to be good little boys and girls" - of course they want to defend themselves, so they can continue fooling people...

  5. #15

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    Dear Fahri

    I like this vehicle very much, but there are no pictures of the interior and upholstery of the vehicle - can you send these pictures for me as soon as possible?

    Thank you

    Jeremy Boyd

    Hi Jeremy Boyd,
    Thanks for your email.
    We are sorry we dont have interior upholstery pictures. But as you can see it has black leather like (but not leather) uholstery.
    We will take pictures only if we are 100% sure that you are buying the car. Otherwise this is extra work for us.

    So, unless I promise to buy, you will not send extra pictures of the vehicle?
    Listen to me, my friend, I purchase many vehicles from Japan, and I expect to see a complete set of pictures of a vehicle BEFORE I make my choice.

    You are telling me I must choose a vehicle to buy, and then you will send extra pictures. You forget I live on the other side of the planet, and pictures are the only means I have of assessing a vehicle - perhaps I should come to Japan to see the vehicles for myself?

    Other companies do not do this - all that is required is a digital camera, the vehicle, and a computer to download the file, then send to customer - AND YOU ARE TELLING ME THIS IS TOO MUCH WORK?

    A potential buyer is ENTITLED to see a complete set of pictures of a vehicle WHETHER he buys or not - how else is he to choose - this is part of the service you are supposed to offer - you people sound like you're too damned lazy or too cheap to provide this service offered by all the other companies I deal with.

    You want people to buy your cars without looking properly at them, that's what you want.



    Bye, freak. !

    Fahri Vokhidov
    CARCHS Co., Ltd.

    Hello Jeremy,
    Sorry I did not wanted to make you angry. We just receive many emails with picture request but when we send they dont buy even if they find no problem.
    SO that is what I mean. you have to understand our situation also. From your side you are correct as a purchaser wants to see all the pictures, but we have also a limited capability. If you promise that you buy it if there is no issues with the car I can send them to you?

    "CARCHS" <>
    Add sender to Contacts
    "'J R W BOYD'" <>
    I tried to be nice to you, But you seemingly psycho. So get lost. Go and claim your "RIGHTS" from your mother and father.

  6. #16

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    I'm guessing that this thread is monitored by Carchs so I am interested to see their next move.

    Good point about the pics. This company seems unwilling to compete in the international vehicle sales market. In order to be a leader you need to show all pics of every vehicle like what Mark and some others like Powervehicles do. If you can't compete, then don't be angry at your customers. It is your problem.

    Carchs goes through vehicles quickly and I understand that it would be a waste of time to take 80 pics of a car that might sell locally that day. Remember, they are a retailer before they are an international vehicle exporter.

  7. #17

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    Well those emails dont help your case at all.

    You were rude as hell to them..

    If you sent me emails like that i wouldn't have even bothered to respond..

    Thanks for clearing that up for me..

    Mabe we should start a thread of people that companies should watch out for.

  8. #18

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    While it's true that the e-mail was rude, Carchs is expecting people to buy without knowing what they are buying.

    We will take pictures only if we are 100% sure that you are buying the car. Otherwise this is extra work for us.
    If this happens to me I read "I don't want to help anyone and you are not important enough to me."

    That would make me angry too.

    Here is the other perspective.. I have worked in retail customer service for many years and it would feel so good to go ahead and tell the customer that they are a freak and whatever else sometimes but you don't do that. Even when the customer is doing much worse that this.

    I have had people stand on a table while I was working at Bell announcing to a shop of over 40 customers that Bell was conning him and I didn't say anything disrespectful to him.

    You need to know your boundaries.

  9. #19

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    Welcome to the forums jrwb, I appreciate you because many people come here with claims about different Exporters and don't follow up with any proof or e-mails.

    IMHO hunter's response to jrwb was somewhat rude in itself.

    Since we're all being very open tonight here are my thoughts.

    Carchs as Derek said is not setup to compete in the international market. I don't know why they would try and sell cars without proper pictures unless they're doing something dishonest like many Exporters in Japan, or at the very least it's poor service not to have detailed pictures.

    I do agree that jwrb's e-mails weren't exactly the most friendly but can we really blame him? As someone who has bad luck with Importing, I don't really care for the feelings of Exporters who aren't forthcoming or appear to be doing something strange. We may not agree on his wording, but something is not right that a company wants to sell you their cars and says they won't send you detailed pictures until after they have your money. I could understand the complaint if the Exporter was polite and forthcoming with all sorts of pictures but this wasn't the case. Once the money is wired it's gone and you are at the mercy of the Exporter. What if the pictures reveal all kinds of unwanted defects, let alone the mechanical condition?

    As jrwb said, we're on the other side of the planet, and anyone who knows what goes on, knows that many Exporters can hardly be trusted. Most people here who say otherwise have a tighter connection with their Exporter and buy multiple vehicles so we can't take their experience as being typical.

    With the debate about who is being rude or not, the bottom line IMHO is that CARCHS does not offer a good service based on this info and what we've seen. There are many companies I'd stay away from that make a deal out of asking for more pictures or won't provide them until after the sale.

    The customer has to ask if they are willing to trust a company that operates this way?

  10. #20

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    Quote Originally Posted by dah_hunter View Post

    Well those emails dont help your case at all.

    You were rude as hell to them..

    If you sent me emails like that i wouldn't have even bothered to respond..

    Thanks for clearing that up for me..

    Mabe we should start a thread of people that companies should watch out for.
    I don't quite get your point - it is obvious you haven't read the emails properly - my terse response was as a result of the salesperson telling me about extra work for them to send a proper set of pictures to me.

    I told them they were damned lazy and whaetever - and why shouldn't I, after the treatment I received - SO KINDLY READ THE EMAILS PROPERLY BEFORE COMMENTING.

    And, judging from your biased remarks, it appears you may have a stake in the car export business - please correct me if I am wrong - your handle says something about being unbiased - that does not appear to be the case when you insulted me indirectly in the last line of your post...

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