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Thread: New Fuel Pump + Install

  1. #1

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    Default New Fuel Pump + Install

    Well, I think I've narrowed down my car's issue to fuel. Not getting enough juice and then engine sputters in protest and sometimes dies all together. SO...Tomorrow shall be the true test!!!

    Here are pics of my fuel pump. Tomorrow I will add more when I install it.

    Here is a how to I will be following:

    Fuel Pump Install

    I didn't cheap out on the pump. SARD are excellent quality, much higher than that of walbro and OEM. This one is good to 600ish horse power...hah! Hopefully it helps my car feel alive again because I've changed the ignition system, sparks, and a few other things with no luck so far. The new igition module helped with a different hesitation I was experiencing but I think the fuel issue is the main culprit in my hesitation and stalling woes.

    Also going to be installing a filter. I WD40'd the lines in hopes that they come loose easily (hah!).

    == Chris ==
    2007 Yamaha FZ6 (for sale)
    1995 BMW 525i Ltd
    1992 Levin GT-Apex - soon to be retired

  2. #2

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    G/L with the Install..

  3. #3

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    Good luck with it too Chris. Let's hope this solves your issues and that maybe you can pickup a WRX too

  4. #4

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    I wish! If I had the funds, I probably would do another car right now and hope there are no surprises.

    So I installed the new filter and pump - everything went smoothly and to do both, it took me just under 2 hours (first time I've done this).

    I took it for a spin, and it hesitated a few times at the beggining and then was fine as I just drive around backroads of Langley for almost an hour. But then after going to a few stores, and heading back home, it hesitated again!!! FRICK!!!

    SOOO....I'm thinking possibly the injectors. Cause there ain't much else this can be!!!

    I'm also sort of looking for a new engine...depends on price. There might be one in awesome condition that I may pickup...otherwise I just want this hesitation to go away!! I can't afford much at this point. So if I can get that engine for a good deal, great. If not, I will keep throwing parts at this engine for now even with the low compression. I don't bag on my car, so the low compression isn't a HUGE deal. I'm sure it would last a while if I'm nice to her.

    There is a WRX that looks sweet on Brave Auto Int'l right now. If that one was in good shape I think I would try selling this car to get that.

    Back to the fuel issue, the old filter was HARD to blow through so that I think may have been why my car was stalling. I think the pressure would build up in it, and then once the pressure gets to high, there wouldn't be enough fuel getting to the car, so it would stall. Good thing is that it would start 10 minutes after - I believe this is because the pressure would go back down once the fuel works its way through the filter again.

    Here are a few shots of the sweet fuel action:

    I found it was a lot easier to start at the bottom hose as that is the easiest one to pull free because they are VERY hard to get off.

    Here is the pump once I had it out:

    Then I put on the new pump and was good to reinstall. The SARD pump is really nice. The directions where in Japanese of course, but I was able to figure it out. I didn't even have to solder anything because the sard came with attachments that you crimp on and then plugs right into the pump. A lot easier than those crappy WALBRO's...

    And that was it!!
    == Chris ==
    2007 Yamaha FZ6 (for sale)
    1995 BMW 525i Ltd
    1992 Levin GT-Apex - soon to be retired

  5. #5

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    Nice guide and post Chris, I'm sure some other Skyline owners will need to know this at some point.

    It's just weird because the normal causes of hesitation haven't been sorted out for you.

    Just a stupid question, but did you use fuel system cleaner on your car yet?

  6. #6

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    Yes, I've used a fuel system cleaner.

    I'm querying injectors now...there is a weird noise but I might just be paranoid now. My exporter that I've been working with says injector's are cheap...but I'm thinking a new engine will solve hesitation and also the detonation and low compression...

    This engine I have placed temporary dibs on had 180+psi in all 6 cylinders. Was just put into this poor guys car a few weeks ago I believe.

    I didn't really get any good pics because my hands were so covered in gas that I didn't want to wreck my camera in the process.
    == Chris ==
    2007 Yamaha FZ6 (for sale)
    1995 BMW 525i Ltd
    1992 Levin GT-Apex - soon to be retired

  7. #7

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    Ouch, well all I can say is that I'm very put off by your experience but it's taught me another valuable lesson about the wonderful world of the car industry.

    I'm sure you'll get it sorted out but the point is you were told the car was in a certain condition that it's not in.

    I guess I'm more upset than you are but maybe it's because I've heard a few rumblings about this exporter and situations like yours before.....

    All I can is that I hope you get this resolved with your Exporter. I could understand if this was an auction car but your Exporter had it in their possession and was obviously aware of its true running condition.

    I'll just end my rant now but this kind of stuff really burns me when I hear about these kinds of stories

    It's exactly why this site was created and so many exporters hate me
    I wish they would just all be honest so we wouldn't have this issue

    I will only end this by saying why on earth do people trust someone just because they originate from the same country, province or postal code? (and this is by no means directed to you Chris. - no sarcasm seriously)

  8. #8

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    Yeah, I know where you're coming from, trust me...

    I was extremely upset at first. But there's nothing I can do about it but hope for the best now. I know I will do things different for the next car I buy. That's why I think an annual Japan trip is necessary to insure we all get great cars

    At least this exporter has given me some used parts, and the new parts I've needed, I've purchased at his cost. I've spend an extra $1000 or so on this car already and a new engine that would quickly double. At that point I'm not making anything when I go to sell it. I also still need tires...geez.

    next car I'm getting an extra set of rims and tires I think because some auctions you can get rims+tires for what a new set of tires cost here.

    Live and learn unfortunately :/
    == Chris ==
    2007 Yamaha FZ6 (for sale)
    1995 BMW 525i Ltd
    1992 Levin GT-Apex - soon to be retired

  9. #9

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    Definitely Chris, way to look on the bright side. The alternative is that I feel some Exporters are quite trust worthy and as long as people post the names of their Exporters and their experience at least we will all know who to go with or stay away from.

    I think we'll try and arrange the trip next year whenever (if) Air Canada has an insanely cheap deal like they did just a month ago.....I still wish I had taken those cheap tickets and gone to Tokyo!

    It is good that you have been given some cheap and free parts but IMHO it is of little comfort when you were knowingly sold a lemon, trust me I've done some digging and this is not the first case from this Exporter that I've heard of where they say "oops, ok I'll make it up by sending free parts".

    But like you say, live and learn and all you can do is make the best of the situation and I give you credit for handling it very well and much better than I would

    You mean you're planning to order a set of tires and rims from Japan for your next car? That is a good plan actually because some of the prices can be decent.

    The best thing is that if you somehow get the engine running well, assuming it's not purely a compression issue, you will probably know more about how to solve this problem than any of the local Skyline people.

    You might try hitting up the British or Australians because they have more experience and knowledge about these cars than any Canadian does.

    I try and make it a point to invite as many of these knowledgeable people to our site because they're way ahead of us in experience overall.
    Last edited by jdmvip; 05-28-2008 at 11:31 PM.

  10. #10

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    I did just join skyline australia a few days ago. I haven't posted yet on there though. I may tomorrow with where I'm at with my car to see if anyone has any ideas.

    I've seen some crazy good deals on yahoo japan for rims and tires. Ideally, 2 set of rims - one for winter, one for summer. It always helps when selling the car too.

    I think with the next car I get I will want to know more info. I had lots of pics and vids, but I want inspections and guarantee's that the car I'm buying won't need 2-3K worth of work to it.
    == Chris ==
    2007 Yamaha FZ6 (for sale)
    1995 BMW 525i Ltd
    1992 Levin GT-Apex - soon to be retired

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