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Thread: Not many like these left...

  1. #1

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    Default Not many like these left...

    This car is bound for Alberta next month that I picked up for a customer here. I was just amazed at how clean this car is. Being a 5 speed it's hard to find them untouched like this and such low mileage at 41,000 Km's. Got such a nice deal on it too in auction!

    And the reason I don't like audio systems in Japan:

  2. #2

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    wow - slick find William!

  3. #3

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    wow, good find. I saw a 4.5 grade soarer 5 spd probably about 3 months ago or so... I was tempted

  4. #4

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    I think I bid on that 4.5 grade one actually.

  5. #5

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    Damn William, you bring in clean cars!!

    Customer should be damn happy.

  6. #6

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    Looks like an original gem. Well done!

  7. #7

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    Sweet man,

    I love the audio install in the back. Just don't touch the capacitor one dark night when reaching into the trunk.... Zaaaaap!

    I can't wait for the single turbos. I think I know what my next car will be...

    Thanks for bringing in good quality cars.

    Plug for William

  8. #8

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    Quote Originally Posted by Derek View Post
    I can't wait for the single turbos. I think I know what my next car will be...

    I think you've converted to the Griffin side of things .... unless it's a jzx

  9. #9

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    The SC300 was a dream car of mine for a long time but here in Japan it was not really practical to drive. The Skyline I bought also had some space issues even though it was smaller (think 6 point turn to get into the parking spot).

    I still want one and will buy one just to see how I like it. I prefer the Chaser's 4-door-ness though as I have a daughter who is still in a car seat...

    Soarers rock and people need to buy more of them. They are a classic design, handle well for the weight, and are fast. What is not to like?

  10. #10

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    if you've got a daughter in a car-seat, then do what I do and buy a bunch of subies! Or do what I PM'd you about earlier this week !

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