In my previous post,
I explained the process of LC. This post about clearing your car.

After your vehicle arrive Colombo port, you need to clear it and pay custom duty. Your need to find experience and efficient clearing agent for the process of clearing your car in the port/custom.

After you get copy of document or original document related to your car from Japan, your clearing agent need to start the process of custom clearance. Clearing agent may need to contact local agent of the car and get official CIF value from local agent of the particular car. Example if it is a Toyota car, Toyota Lanka limited will issue official CIF value for your car. Clearing agent may need to communicate officially with local agents. Different agents react differently; some may ask copy of your documents came from Japan.
When vehicle is arrived, it is better to have the CIF report from local agent ready to start clearance process.

When vehicle arrived, your clearing agent need to make a request from the custom, then officer from custom inspect the vehicle and prepare a report. Then tax value will be calculated based few factors, including official CIF value from local agent, data of registration of car in Japan, options in the car etc. I will write a separate post about tax calculation later. You need to submitted filled application from, original document you received from Japan, and ID card and few other document for the clearing process. Experience clearing agent will do everything for you. You need not to come to port or custom office. Your agent will do everything. You need to send only documents. You may use a courier service which is getting popular in Sri Lanka for document transfer. Some clearing agent delivers your car to your home. It was a practice that an importer need to go to Inland Revenue department for obtain VAT number, it seems now you need not to go there. Your clearing agent will explain all the process.

When your clearing agent inform about custom duty value, you need to prepare bank draft to ‘Director general custom’ as custom duty payment. Most probable next day after payment of the duty, we will be able to drive your car to home.

All this process will take 4-7 days after vehicle arrived. Experience and efficient clearing agent will do the job quickly. Time duration depend on rush in the port and custom in that particular time your car arrived. Clearing agents’ fee will vary from Rs 10,000 to 20,000. In addition to clearing agent’s fee, you need to spend for some other expenses during this process.