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Thread: Pacific Coast Auto Exporters

  1. #1

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    Default Pacific Coast Auto Exporters


    History: I met Derek through the boards here, and had given William (JDMConnection) and Mark (Brave Auto International) both a try, and been very happy, but I thought I'd like to get Derek working for me too! I generally do a fair amount of looking myself, when buying time arrives, and so I did most of the searching on this one, by choice.

    Communication: I get along great with Derek, and would like to spend an evening over a decent meal and a beer, to catch up - it feels like we've been old friends for a long time, but I didn't really know him when we started. Communication was effortless, and always did I feel comfortable. Derek is just that - like an old friend.

    Response time: TDerek was always great with email, even when busy, he'd get back to me in time for us to make a decision. Paperwork and bids were always right on time, and I'm used to missing the boat, but Derek got me on the next vessel straightaway!

    Car Details: Well, we started off looking for a Subaru Sambar with 4wd, supercharger, sunroof, and hopefully the VW kit. Manual of course. After searching tirelessly for a couple months (maybe 3?) I began to look for something other than a van. Derek was surprised when I'd inquired about a translation on a minty JZX90 Cresta Tourer V - pretty different than the search we were carrying out, and my known automotive habits (Subaru). Translation came back great, and the car checked out, so I outbid!

    Shipping Options: I shipped Ro/Ro, but I'm sure that Derek could do container if needed.

    Storage: I don't know what PCA has for storage, mine was just at the holding lot (?), ready to ship. It did not go to a lot for inspections etc, it was just at the shipping yard.

    Paperwork: Paperwork was good, everyone I talk to says that Derek's paperwork is the best out there, and should be a template for how it should work. Pictures were awesome. Derek takes pictures of things I wouldn't even think to ask about (fluid levels etc). I was very pleased with the massive amounts of pictures, descriptions, and video that I received.

    Shipping Results: Good - standard. I don't actually deal with the dock anymore, so I have little to say about this.

    Summary: Well, this is supposed to be short and sweet. I really enjoyed working with Derek, and have already purchased another car using PCA, for the winter. I found that Derek had some nice little touches and I just got along with him very well. Derek works hard, and it shows, but he also has an inside knowledge of the cars, and a passion.

    Too bad I didn't buy a Sambar, because he'd said he'd get a video of him jumping through both doors!! ah well. Next time Derek, Next time!

    Do you Recommend this Exporter to someone else: YES
    For Certain!

    Car details:
    1996 Toyota Cresta Tourer-V, ~10K on the odometer, original maintanance book showing ~25K about a couple of years ago, before the odo switch.
    Paint was mint, 2 spots - one on the back bumper - scuff, and one on the hood (spider) by the hood latch.
    Mechanically fantastic, runs nice and smooth and is just a great car!


  2. #2

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    Thank you Shaun. This kind of feedback is like gold to us exporters. It really shows that we are appreciated and that is important for me.
    I'm glad that you are spreading your happiness to others.

    I'm a little worried that others are going to request that I jump through the Sambar now though... I'm not sure if I would do that for just anyone. haha.

  3. #3

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    haha! Lollerskates! Reminds me. I've got something I need to send you. Check your email buddy!

  4. #4

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    Great review Shaun.

    And +1 for Derek, so easy to talk to and work with.

  5. #5

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    Since this is a Soren review I'm going to pick on it a bit
    Can you mention more about what specifically made Derek better than the other experiences you've had? Eg. was some part of the process easier/more hassle free?

    Actually I appreciate your review because you have 2 other reputable and well known Exporters/Importers to compare Derek's service to.

    This is just me but personally when dealing with an Exporter it's great for them to feel like a friend but also important that the line is drawn when it needs to be and that the job gets done (not to say that Derek doesn't). It sounds like Derek does both.

    I thought I'd make a few observations about Derek/PCA myself even though I've never bought a car from him. I've seen a lot of his customer feedback and have seen how professional he is behind the scenes compared to even other people's favorite Exporters. I'm sure he's checked his competition very well and is aiming high and I know many established Exporters consider him a competitor. He's made such an impression after joining our forums and becoming such an active member of the community here and I like to see these kinds of stories more.

  6. #6

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    I feel a multi-quote coming on:
    Quote Originally Posted by jdmvip View Post
    Since this is a Soren review I'm going to pick on it a bit
    Quote Originally Posted by jdmvip View Post
    Can you mention more about what specifically made Derek better than the other experiences you've had? Eg. was some part of the process easier/more hassle free?
    I don't think that using any of the guys that I've used, that I've encountered anything even close to a hassle. Dealing with Mark and Derek require the understanding that they are on the other side of the world, so time delay in response is a given. As far as the experience being better than using the other guys, I don't know if I could quantify it in that manner, and I would certainly use JDMC and BA again for sure! I just like talking with Derek, even when I'm not actively searching, we email back and forth. When he sees something crazy that he thinks I'd like, he'll send it to me etc. I just figure that I've used William for 5 cars, and BA for only one, that Derek needed my business too! I do think that Derek is a touch cheaper than BA and JDMC, but he offers less service too, and I'm fine with that. For instance, if you buy from Brave Auto, and you want your car mint - he'll do that all for you, and 99% of it will be on site. Derek would be able to do stuff for you, but he'd have to ship the car around and hassle quite a bit. I'd suspect he wouldn't offer this service.

    Quote Originally Posted by jdmvip View Post
    Actually I appreciate your review because you have 2 other reputable and well known Exporters/Importers to compare Derek's service to.

    This is just me but personally when dealing with an Exporter it's great for them to feel like a friend but also important that the line is drawn when it needs to be and that the job gets done (not to say that Derek doesn't). It sounds like Derek does both.
    Yeah, I'm not very uptight about minute details. I mainly don't want people to work too hard, and stress too much. If I've got a big issue, I'll be disappointed, but wouldn't ever blame an exporter/importer unless it could have been avoided. As far as the job getting done, I've never felt with any of my contacts, that the job isn't getting done, or that there is some conflict of interest. All three of these guys are very professional and very fun and friendly.
    Quote Originally Posted by jdmvip View Post
    I thought I'd make a few observations about Derek/PCA myself even though I've never bought a car from him. I've seen a lot of his customer feedback and have seen how professional he is behind the scenes compared to even other people's favorite Exporters. I'm sure he's checked his competition very well and is aiming high and I know many established Exporters consider him a competitor. He's made such an impression after joining our forums and becoming such an active member of the community here and I like to see these kinds of stories more.
    Yeah, I'd agree. He does a great job!

  7. #7

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    Two thumbs up for Derek. Keep it up!

  8. #8

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    Derek, I was wondering if you would be able to contact me at, or PM me on here if you can (I am new and I don't think I can pm yet)
    I have tried to send an email to "" but I am getting delivery failure notifications.


  9. #9

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    Dereks the man!!!

  10. #10

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    Hey Derek, Can you reach me out please, I am looking to import a car to my home country for my personal use.

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