Quote Originally Posted by Soren View Post
I feel a multi-quote coming on:


I don't think that using any of the guys that I've used, that I've encountered anything even close to a hassle. Dealing with Mark and Derek require the understanding that they are on the other side of the world, so time delay in response is a given. As far as the experience being better than using the other guys, I don't know if I could quantify it in that manner, and I would certainly use JDMC and BA again for sure! I just like talking with Derek, even when I'm not actively searching, we email back and forth. When he sees something crazy that he thinks I'd like, he'll send it to me etc. I just figure that I've used William for 5 cars, and BA for only one, that Derek needed my business too! I do think that Derek is a touch cheaper than BA and JDMC, but he offers less service too, and I'm fine with that. For instance, if you buy from Brave Auto, and you want your car mint - he'll do that all for you, and 99% of it will be on site. Derek would be able to do stuff for you, but he'd have to ship the car around and hassle quite a bit. I'd suspect he wouldn't offer this service.

Yeah, I'm not very uptight about minute details. I mainly don't want people to work too hard, and stress too much. If I've got a big issue, I'll be disappointed, but wouldn't ever blame an exporter/importer unless it could have been avoided. As far as the job getting done, I've never felt with any of my contacts, that the job isn't getting done, or that there is some conflict of interest. All three of these guys are very professional and very fun and friendly.

Yeah, I'd agree. He does a great job!
Can i get any contact details of Derek, I am also looking to import a car for myself.