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Thread: The Suggestion Thread - What Do You Like or Dislike?

  1. #21

    User Info Menu


    Nobody has posted anything on this site in 4 days. That is pretty bad.

    We need to get some more members here. Lets think of some ideas. How about getting more JDMvip presence in the community? We could have meetings, drives, shows.

    Let's not let this site decline.

  2. #22

    User Info Menu


    Can you be more specific? I know a few people have said there are too many forums.

    My idea was to have one for the most popular cars, should we restrict it to just manufacturer?

    I'll see if there is a template to condense the main categories too.

    Quote Originally Posted by Kitty View Post
    This is something I really wanted was too have this forum ..


    It's needs to be more generalized for simplicity.


  3. #23

    User Info Menu


    I'm guilty of not posting on time too and I agree no posts in 4 days is ridiculous. I also agree we need more members here.

    If anyone wants to do any meets or shows I'm all for it.

    I don't think the site will decline, but it will be nice to have it more active.

    One thing that would help is to refer friends, and also to have everyone link to us on their BLOGs etc..

    Derek is a good example of a company who has linked to us. One thing I might do is to identify companies who have linked back to us and have it reflected in the Vendors section.

    Speaking of that, is Vendors section the wrong name for it, is there another name that describes it better or is it good as it is?
    Quote Originally Posted by Derek View Post
    Nobody has posted anything on this site in 4 days. That is pretty bad.

    We need to get some more members here. Lets think of some ideas. How about getting more JDMvip presence in the community? We could have meetings, drives, shows.

    Let's not let this site decline.

  4. #24

    User Info Menu


    I still think of condensing to manufactures this have sub forums for each poplar car models.

  5. #25

    User Info Menu

    Default Condensing

    Some stuff in the Import Disscusion should be cut out to help narrow everything down. The manufacturers are sorted pretty well with all the popular JDM cars so there's not much you can do there. Or if you were going to do it differently, just label the manufacturer and have a general thread for an entire manufacturer and all it's models.

    As for advertising, someone on this site must be able to get sickers made up for car windows and such.....and the more sponsors you can get on here the better. The sponsors are the people that help attract more people because there easy to get a hold of on forums and they usually offer deals through forums like this one. Everyone like deals! Also, a nice BIG, creative banner, either on the top of the site or inlayed into the background of every web page would give it a bit more zing.

    As for postings, the site is a pretty big general site so you can't expect tonnes of threads because it's not car specific, but with more sponsors will come more people and more threads and in general, more activity.
    1989 Toyota Pick-Up
    Skylineless for the short future....

  6. #26

    User Info Menu


    I'm glad to see more people are jumping on this thread.
    Let me summarize what has been said so far.

    1.) Condense the forums (I will try and find a way to make it so all models of vehicles are not shown until you click on the Manufacturer)
    2.) We need stickers/banners etc.. I actually have a lot of cards I printed out when this site launched last year. If we can have a local meet or someone wants to hand them out to friends or at random, I will ship a stack to you.
    3.) Sponsors can attract more people to our site, so we should try and get some more.
    4.) Change the banner, I do agree the banners being over top of our site logo are too much. I will need to redo the banner or find a way to integrate the banners more seamlessly with the design.

    Let me know if I missed anything. I'm glad people are posting these ideas, keep them coming and don't be afraid to speak your mind about what is stupid, good, bad etc.. !

  7. #27

    User Info Menu


    Here's my quick plan to condense the "Import Discussion Section" and reduce the number of initial forums people see there.

    *Merge Off-topic/Welcome forums into a single one
    *Merge Vendor & Product Feedback Forums into one
    *Move 15 Year rule Discussion as a subforum under "Canada" or just move all posts there.
    *Remove the "Shipping your JDM car home" forum and move all posts to General or elsewhere
    *Move "Japanese Car Auction" threads under "Japan" forum.

    Does any of this make sense, could it be done better? Let me know.

    If someone has similar ideas for the manufacturer/model specific forums let me know.

    The more specific the ideas can be the easier and quicker it is to make it happen IMHO

  8. #28

    User Info Menu


    Aside from the topics, I think that an re-organization of the core site would be a good idea. It is very confusing and has too much information. This is the first page that people will see so it has to be enticing.

  9. #29

    User Info Menu


    Can you give some examples of what kind of layout you think would make things easier?

  10. #30

    User Info Menu


    Make the main page simple with as little information as possible on it. People only stay on the front page for about 4 seconds before they decide to stick with it or leave. Just get their attention.

    I could give more examples but what about other people?

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