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Thread: Note for Exporters

  1. #1

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    Default Note for Exporters

    I've noticed a lot of you only post 15 year or older cars aimed at Canadians which is nice but we do have visitors from around the world who view this forum so feel free to post newer JDM cars.

    It will also be good for Canadians to see what cars they would consider once they are importable and 15 years old.


  2. #2

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    If your posting a car thats for sale in japan or on route from japan, the auction sheet is required to be posted along with the other pics of the car, and description.

    If you cant "Find" the Sheet, then we will try and find it for you. If the car is located in Canada and has been inspected in the province of origin at that point the auction sheet is optional. as it would not reflect the current condition of the car.

  3. #3

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    ^^ very good thing to include.

  4. #4

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    Good idea…… I gather this has come about due to the odd vehicle not being disclosed on the forum as to what it is really like, either by intension or by mistake.

    Personally, I think sellers (private or trade) should only be able to list vehicles for sale that they have seen, touched and at least test driven no mater wether it is in Japan, Canada or where ever. This does not include vehicles that vendor's staff, friends or long lost cousin have checked for the seller……… if you are the person listing the vehicle for sale, "you" have to of seen the vehicle.

    How you list the vehicle on your own website, is completely up to you but on a forum like this, you should at least of seen the vehicle so you can give it a true or as best description of the vehicle as you can.

    Auction sheets are not 100% although in many cases they are not that far out either…….. if they were, I would be out of business….lol.

    Any way….. just my thought.



  5. #5

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    Quote Originally Posted by BraveAutoInternational View Post
    Good idea…… I gather this has come about due to the odd vehicle not being disclosed on the forum as to what it is really like, either by intention or by mistake.
    I think you are right. We dealt with a message regarding a specific pattern that is happening, and implemented this rule. We are all in agreement about this, as we are a trusted place of information on imports. We don't want to give rise to what some may call "shady business"

    Quote Originally Posted by BraveAutoInternational View Post
    Personally, I think sellers (private or trade) should only be able to list vehicles for sale that they have seen, touched and at least test driven no mater wether it is in Japan, Canada or where ever. This does not include vehicles that vendor's staff, friends or long lost cousin have checked for the seller……… if you are the person listing the vehicle for sale, "you" have to of seen the vehicle.
    This is bang-on, and I agree 100%. I think if anything, I'd like this as a rule.
    I don't understand how you can sell a car as your own stock, and maintain your integrity while never knowing the true condition of the car. I actually find it hard to believe that people will buy in this manner, sight unseen - but I think that's a function of demand, and consumer fright that they will miss out, if they don't hop right now.

    On the other hand, to be clear, I am completely in support of auction search, buy before you've got any hands on experience with the car, and paying an agent fee - because you can set your price that you are happy with. I'm also quite in agreement with an importer/exporter purchasing a vehicle, making it nice, and fixing issues etc, then selling for a large profit. If the market sustains it, and it's an honest value, then no issues there either.

    If you don't have the car in your hands, I think it is difficult to apply a value to it specifically.

    Quote Originally Posted by BraveAutoInternational View Post
    How you list the vehicle on your own website, is completely up to you but on a forum like this, you should at least of seen the vehicle so you can give it a true or as best description of the vehicle as you can.

    Auction sheets are not 100% although in many cases they are not that far out either…….. if they were, I would be out of business….lol.

    Any way….. just my thought.

    Mark, I believe you are right on the money here. Agreed.
    Last edited by Soren; 10-05-2011 at 03:00 PM.

  6. #6

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    Quote Originally Posted by dah_hunter View Post
    If your posting a car thats for sale in japan or on route from japan, the auction sheet is required to be posted along with the other pics of the car, and description.
    So does this still apply......?

    Thought I would confirm before I spend some time (typing out description, uploading photos & sheet) tomorrow when I add some vehicles.



  7. #7

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    This does apply now Mark. I see I missed a lot of good discussion here and thanks to Soren and dah_hunter for looking into these things while I wasn't around the forums.

    I also want to clarify that while we don't want to make it easier for Vendor's to hide things we're also not here to police the industry, but we do have to have some guidelines to avoid becoming the next "free" Tradecarview. I also don't feel much gets hidden around here for the most part and with the auction sheets being required there shouldn't be anymore concern IMHO (except for the true running condition which only the Exporter knows).

    I generally haven't seen many issues with any company actively posting here, at least nothing serious eg. not shipping the car etc..For the most part it's the companies who don't want to be part of this community that realize they'd get caught that are usually more of the concern. We also don't want to take away the customer's choice and tell them what kind of Grade Car is good for them or allow Exporters to find other back-door ways of fighting each other (yes guys I know it's natural for competitors to compete even though you're not doing it through me anymore ).

    While I'm mentioning that, I really want to encourage any Exporter reading this site or who is a part of this site to not be afraid to post more of their thoughts whether it's for or against the competitor or any other issue. The more open you are about things the more good you do for yourselves IMHO.

    This is just my ideal but I've tried to model this site after the web hosting industry where customers and vendors interact and aren't afraid to share their thoughts (without the nastiness or dirty tactics of the hosting industry though). I find in this JDM Car Exporting industry everyone is afraid and mainly does things secretly via PM and e-mail and I don't think that's fair or right. Let's get everything out in the open, it's much more fair for all parties involved than to deal with secret rumors, complaints that they don't know about.

    Cheers guys

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