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Thread: New pick up rules for WWL

  1. #11

    User Info Menu


    My cars arrive before I get my documents most of the time and my exporters never seem to surrender the B/L for me, and then getting a hauler there with no notice can be a bit of work ... so the extension to 10 days is nice. I hate paying any extra fees.

  2. #12

    User Info Menu


    you buy off randoms mostly right?

    I make sure any random Tradecarview guys i buy off, make sure to agree to surrender the bill of Lading before i commit to buy anything.. so far no issues.

    but ya the 10 days is nice.. also the fact the cars are available for pickup within 48 hours of unloading if your on the ball with customs etc.

  3. #13

    User Info Menu


    This is great news, WWL really has made a smart improvement that make the customers and the staff there all happy. It's great that the cars are parked nicely outside the office on asphalt, 10 days of free storage and the portable booster kit.

  4. #14

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    Quote Originally Posted by dah_hunter View Post
    you buy off randoms mostly right?

    I make sure any random Tradecarview guys i buy off, make sure to agree to surrender the bill of Lading before i commit to buy anything.. so far no issues.

    but ya the 10 days is nice.. also the fact the cars are available for pickup within 48 hours of unloading if your on the ball with customs etc.
    Heh, very random.... I browse sites everyday, run across something I like and buy.

    I hate auctions, everytime I do the auction thing the specific car I'm looking for never comes up and I end up with something I wasn't really wanting.

  5. #15

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    Do you have to go through the CBSA pre-approval every time you pick up a car? Or is it a one-time thing to get on the list?

  6. #16

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    everytime.. its kinda annoying cause i go down like every 2/3 weeks, and i have to do it each time.. however Karen at WWL just has my info on file. so she just forwards it off everytime im sheduled to have a car arrive

  7. #17

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    That's pretty good service you describe hunter.
    Is it hard to do pre-approval for tow-trucks and for people who take a taxi or are they lenient since it would be very hard to predict the "driver's name and company name" in advance?

  8. #18

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    I dont think they are that picky, if you say your coming in a Taxi i think they are fine with whatever taxi company.. but im not 100% sure..

  9. #19

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    Quote Originally Posted by William View Post
    Figured I would post it here. WWL informed me today of the new rules

    See attachments for details.
    Hi guys,

    Any changes in WWL pick-up rules since then?

  10. #20

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    Yeah, you don't pick it up now. You have a tow truck company fetch the car for you. it is all explained in the paperwork WWL sends. Looking over this old thread, I can't say I've had problems with the workers damaging a car. I think professionalism has improved a bit. I even had a call back from the dock supervisor after a minor glitch from my transporter.

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