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Thread: New pick up rules for WWL

  1. #1

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    Default New pick up rules for WWL

    Figured I would post it here. WWL informed me today of the new rules

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  2. #2

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    I'm not well versed in the whole shipping/pickup side of things. But after all the reports of hostility from dock workers, theft, thrashing of customer's cars, and silly policies, I think someone would get a lot of business if they established a new receiving facility or whatever it is that WWL does.

  3. #3

    User Info Menu


    I was wondering when this would go public and be enforced.. CBSA was talking about starting this process a couple months ago..

    and the time is now.

    good times

  4. #4

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    This is how I thought it always worked ...

    But what do I know, I've always had a hauler pick my cars up

  5. #5

    User Info Menu


    Up until now this is how it worked..

    Drive up to gate.

    Guard asks you "What do you want here"

    Standard reply "Going to pick up a used car"

    Guard "Ok"

    Then you go to the office pay your dues and get the WWL paperwork.

    and a Guard would meet you at the Gravel car pickup lot.

    Walk you to your car, and verify the VIN match's the one that on the paperwork then hang around while you jump start it.

  6. #6

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    This is going to be very inconvenient, especially for out of town customers. Now, if you got all releases you possibly can't pickup on the next day because they need up to 36 hours.

    Especially stupid rule about taxi, if I'm arriving in Vancouver I will get first available taxi, but by new rules I have to choose specific company in advance. Kind of reminds me mother-Russia with all these complicated rules
    99 TLC Prado
    07 Honda Pilot

  7. #7

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    Wow, well annoying is the best way I can put this. I already miss the good ol' days.
    1996 Nissan Skyline R33 GTS-T Type-M Spec II
    2007 Suzuki GSX-R 600

    1998 Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution V GSR
    1996 Nissan Skyline R33 GTS-T Type-M Spec II
    1997 "DSM" Mitsubishi Eclipse GS-T 5spd

  8. #8

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    I think Megatol said it the best. I can't understand the reason for these new rules.

    Personally I'll make sure any car I get from now on is done by container because there are too many hassles and uncertainty with damage and now these new rules etc... With container you get security and can ship parts etc,, and the pickup at the warehouse is easier, more convenient and friendly compared to WWL.

  9. #9

    User Info Menu


    Bump, based on recent threads it looks like none of this actually took effect?
    In the meantime it looks like WWL increased storage to 10 days, offered a free portable booster. It looks like they now take customer service seriously and/or realized that more people would opt for container over RO/RO at the port. In all fairness most of the admin staff at WWL including Karen are great, the only issue has been with their yard staff.

    I sent some strong feedback at the end of April (eg. 0 services for the money we pay, such little storage times, rude yard staff etc..) after my incident at WWL in response to their apology and never heard back but perhaps it made a difference at some point.

    Can anyone comment if the yard staff have improved since March?

  10. #10

    User Info Menu


    because you have to authorize whoever is coming to the Dock now.. you dont have to deal with Yard staff at all..

    the cars are parked right in front of the office once your done in the office your free to go..

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