Quote Originally Posted by Rygar View Post
Right on, thanks.
I always get a kick out of some of the notes that I can't read (since they're in Japanese) but in my head read it as some super excited writing...
lol yeah crazy stars/boxes drawn around things with a million !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! . Sometimes it's warranted and other times it's a minor or insignificant sales point lol.

Quote Originally Posted by B-Pro Auto Vendor View Post
And here's the translation of the comments. I believe the bubble with the exclamation marks correlates to the maintenance that was done. Let me double check and confirm that for you later tonight & make sure I didn't miss the translation for any of the points.
sales points
navigation (as we know these don't tend to work the greatest in Canada)
17 inch Alloy Wheels
Maintenance book
Fog lights
Timing belt changed

negative points
Interior worn
Battery tray rust
Door mirror scratch
Great Brian, I really appreciate it when the translation is included and think others do as well. When it includes the sales point it's also a good selling too especially for things like timing belt changed, this is a great mileage to buy at if the belt has been done.