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Thread: Problems, poor broker service

  1. #1

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    Default Problems, poor broker service

    I am trying to get a few things worked out on this end before my car can ship. Right now I am looking at two options, and one of them being to let a broker in Long Beach work out all the proper filings and bonds.

    I had originally planned to do everything myself, but found myself finding something new needing done around every corner. I contacted many brokers, and marked off many from my list at the same time because they were either difficult to understand and would not break things down for me or wanted to, without even trying to cover it up, rake me over the coals.

    One thing I learned, is brokers won't help you with the required Bonds unless they are doing all of your filings.

    I just got off the phone with a broker that has been helping me, and have sent an e-mail to Mark in hopes we can find anything out. This has been very frustrating for both sides, but I hope that Mark can get the company he uses to make the booking to give us the pertinent information or else I will be going the way of route #2.

    I will say this, either way you go, GET A BROKER!

  2. #2

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    Hey Ryan

    Wow my head is still spinning after what we discussed last night, there's a lot more to it than what he's mentioned but he hasn't had a chance to get all of it out on the forums here. He really is one of the first independent pioneers doing this.

    I'm sure some know exactly what to do but they would be RIs (Registered Importers) they certainly won't be sharing the ins and outs.

    Please keep us updated and for whatever you have gone through if you can keep a note of it in detail and we'll use it as a template for and I'll get the forums live there very soon and redirect some of our US traffic there.

  3. #3

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    We should make a list of what needs to be done even if we don't know how to do it for the USA eg. list of issues to overcome and eventually I'm sure someone will know.

  4. #4

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    Well basically, you need a RI or registered importer to import your car for you in almost all cases 25yo old or not. Any experienced exporter should have told you this right of the jump. Not sure why you are getting hung up to be honest but if you have an RI they will tell you everything you need to do.

  5. #5

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    Hey Bulldog this is for my friend rpk2012 who's bringing in an 89 Supra RZ himself. Do you know how much RI's charge to help bring in a 25 year old car?

    We'd like to get this process documented like we have for Canada to help build the USA scene.

  6. #6

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    Wow, Bulldog, I always looked forward to the cars you had for sale posted on here. Figured you'd gone out of business!

  7. #7

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    Bulldog is alive and well fellas, never missed a beat. We are busier than ever before and moving some really nice machines these days. We are also in the process of building a new site and some things but basically have been too busy with day to day business to get on here much.

    As for the RIs, well they all will be different i assume. The problem lies in that most RIS dont usually deal with cars from Japan as they are usually dealing with North American stuff. To be honest, I really dont know what the rates are these days but im sure it depends on the region/RI/car etc

  8. #8

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    We do some exporting to the states and I was under the impression that a broker was mandatory....unlike Canada where it is easy to do it without a broker.
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