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Thread: Praise for Japan-Partner

  1. #51

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    Default Japan partner fraund

    Quote Originally Posted by Rev5MR2 View Post
    Hey can you get back to me with more details with what happened with you and Japan Partner? I have a deposit with Japan Partner and want to get a refund since their has been dishonesty on their part.
    Hello, I booked for a Hiace van with them and they promised to ship it within 5 weeks. Once I payed for the vehicle, with no explanation, they did not ship it for over 4 months and when they did, it was a scrap that did not meet the standard. They did not even ship me the original vehicle that was in the website the first time I was booking it They only shiped it after I made countless calls and pleading and threats. The vehicle failed inspection in my country and was impounded by the port authorities. They will not refund your money no matter what, so they say. This people are crooks.

  2. #52

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    Quote Originally Posted by isa View Post
    Hello, I booked for a Hiace van with them and they promised to ship it within 5 weeks. Once I payed for the vehicle, with no explanation, they did not ship it for over 4 months and when they did, it was a scrap that did not meet the standard. They did not even ship me the original vehicle that was in the website the first time I was booking it They only shiped it after I made countless calls and pleading and threats. The vehicle failed inspection in my country and was impounded by the port authorities. They will not refund your money no matter what, so they say. This people are crooks.
    Are you from BC Canada ? How long ago did you place this order ?

  3. #53

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    Exclamation Japan Partner Inc Fraud

    I had the most horrid experince with JAPAN PARTNER INC.This company is a scam and I would not recommend it even to my worst enemy. The company has a user agreement that allows them to scam people with no consequenses. If you value your money and your sanity, dont buy with them, they will take your money and simply frustrate you untill you give up chasing what you were buying from them. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED! You can follow my experiences and also others with similar horror stories at

  4. #54

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    Thumbs down Japan Partner Inc Fraud

    Quote Originally Posted by djDEVILISHrd View Post
    I would like to give some praise to the Japanese Export Company that I have dealt with in importing my first JDM.

    I discovered japan partner about 2 years ago when I 1st started considering importing a RHD vehicle. I did the typical google search for Japanese Car Exporters and filtered through a bunch of sites that had poor english translations and terrible pictures and hard to understand ordering procedures. I felt that bringing in a car would be a real gamble. I knew that I could just buy a car that was already here, already imported but I knew that I would be paying more for a vehicle because of the extra people involved. Everyone needs their cut. I figured I could save money if I did everything myself. I knew that if I did buy one here that it would be ready to drive, and legal, etc. But I just could not at the time afford to buy one that had already been imported.

    I kept looking on the net, doing some research, figuring out what kind of car I wanted to buy.

    Then I stumbled upon

    I signed up and started receiving thier free updates via Email.

    I notice right away that they didn't try to make a car look better then it realy was. I also noticed that they weren't an auction service. They were more like a car lot. They provided a good description of the cars they have and also provided alot of pictures. Usualy at least 10-12. They also take pictures of the problem areas, they don't try and hide them. I thought this was really good.

    Finally in November of 2007 I was on holidays and decided to check my emails. I found the latest update from Japan-Partner and I noticed that they had 3 Soarers just purchased from Auction. I emailed the only email address I could find on their website, just a typical info@... type email address. I asked them to email me more pictures of the Soarers they had just purchased once they had them on their lot.

    The next morning I received a phone call on my cell phone:

    "Hi This is Dean Cadre from Japan-Partner, you emailed me about the Soarers we have?" (the call was from a Canadian, who spoke perfect english)
    I responded," Yes I did, I thought you guys were located in Japan".

    The respnose, "I am in Japan, but I am actually from Alberta, I moved to Japan a few years ago"

    We chit chatted a bit. And then I asked about the soarers.

    He said that they were nice cars but ranged in km's and options.

    He sent me all of the pics in about two days and I chose the 1991 Green with only 66,000+/- kms.

    The car was bone stock, was a GTT 1jZGTE but didn't have a spoiler or a sunroof. It did have the TEMS and the GT trim. It also had the rare, very light weight BBS rims that were available as a Factory Option. (I kept the rims but they aren't my style, their the kind of rim my Dad would like)

    I used Japan-Partners check out system.

    I then received an email with payment instructions and the status of my car on their website changed from "Available" to "SOLD BPNC (But Payment Not Confirmed).

    Then I went to my Bank with Japan-Partners payment instructions.

    Then the next day I received confirmation from Japan Partner that they had received my payment and the car would be shipped out as soon as possible.

    One week later I received a call that there was no longer RORO (Roll On Roll Off) service available and would have to wait until it was available.

    This freaked me out as I had heard that some people have waited over 10 months for RORO service. I emailed Dean at Japan - Partner. Dean told me not to worry and that two other cars had just sold to Canada as well. Once he received the payment for those, he would put all three cars in a container and ship them to Canada that way. Myself and the two other owners would split the shipping cost.

    My the 1st week in decemebr I received a call that my car was loaded into the container at at the port in Japan. By the 1st week in January 2008 I received notice that my car had landed in Vancouver.

    I received a call from ABc customs brokers on the 2nd week in January that my car had been received, they were doing the paper work and destuffing and would call me when I could pick up the car. I phone EVT Transport and notified them that I had a car to be picked up in Brunaby BC. I then got a call in two days taht my car was ready to be picked up. I called EVT and they picked up my car the next day. 24 hours later EVT dropped of the car to me about 5 minutes from my house.

    Once I received the car their were some minor issues taht needed immediate attention. The 1st one was that the battery was dead (froze on the boat ride) and it was out of gas. I got the battery changed 1st, and then got gas.

    I then got the oil changed and all the fluids.

    Had a good look at the car in the shop. Noticed a couple of paint touchups that were too small to notice in the photos. There were 5 touch up spots on the dash board (sign of previously mounted cup holders), a tear on the drivers side front windshied pillar leather and on the passenger floor board a bad tear under the floor mat. In the trunk their is a couple of spots on the steel on the inside that show minor corrosion. I took a rag with CLR and rubbed it right off and then sprayed with rust repelent. It looks like someone had either had salt, sand with salt or a battery in the trunk that spilled because the corrosion was surface and cleaned right off. Nothing to worry about.

    On the outside I noticed on one fender a door scrape type rub on a fender that was touched up. This touch up is peeling so I'm going to a chip repair guy to fix that one spot.

    The car other wise is flawless. And for a car that is 17 years old is in excellent running condition.

    I'm fixing up the minor interior issues this summer.

    I am very happy with the car and it passed the OOP with very minor issues.

    I get compliments on the car all the time and from total strangers too.

    There are also 3 other Soarers I have noticed so far in my City so I'm not getting as much attention as I was when I 1st got it. This is good because you can only explain the whole process so many times. I thought it was interesting though, I received NO negative comments or remarks so far, especially nothing about it being an RHD.

    I highly recommend Japan-Partner and I will buy from them again.

    They also now offer an Auction service and can also do RHD to LHD conversions on some cars.

    If any of you have any more qustions please PM me.
    I had the most horrid experince with japan partner inc.This company is a scam and I would not recommend it even to my worst enemy. The company has a user agreement that allows them to scam people with no consequenses. If you value your money and your sanity, dont buy with them, they will take your money and simply frustrate you untill you give up chasing what you payed for. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED! You can follow my experiences and also others with similar horror stories at japanpartnereview com

  5. #55

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    Quote Originally Posted by japanpartner View Post
    I had the most horrid experince with japan partner inc.This company is a scam and I would not recommend it even to my worst enemy. The company has a user agreement that allows them to scam people with no consequenses. If you value your money and your sanity, dont buy with them, they will take your money and simply frustrate you untill you give up chasing what you payed for. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED! You can follow my experiences and also others with similar horror stories at japanpartnereview com[/COLOR][/COLOR]
    Ya, you said so already and are just repeating. People can post their experiences, and you don't have to quote a whole passage and repost what you already said. We get your point of view. Let others have their own.

    Steven Smith
    I'm a Canadian in Nagoya

  6. #56

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    Default japan partner inc

    Quote Originally Posted by japanpartner View Post
    I had the most horrid experince with japan partner inc.This company is a scam and I would not recommend it even to my worst enemy. The company has a user agreement that allows them to scam people with no consequenses. If you value your money and your sanity, dont buy with them, they will take your money and simply frustrate you untill you give up chasing what you payed for. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED! You can follow my experiences and also others with similar horror stories at japanpartnereview com
    #japanpartnereview dot com japan partner ltd continues to scam people freely it seems

  7. #57

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    To whom it may concern,

    Thank you for taking the time to read this message.

    We would like to bring your attention to the following link/s found on your website/forum:


    Japan Partner has initiated a defamation lawsuit involving the alleged author of specific content found in this posting.

    Upon research collected by our department along with data provided by our IT staff, there is conclusive evidence of his identity, and that this person was a former client based out of Africa. Using his transaction with Japan Partner, this man has attempted extorting money from our company; and is using your website/forum as a means and leverage to do it.

    He is has also authored similar content on other websites targeting other car exporters in Japan. Please feel free to get in touch with us so we can provide you with detailed information on this matter.

    Based on data logged and reported to us, we are now contacting the administrators of the forums and/or websites where the said content is present. As I am directed to inform you of the legal process involved, we are requesting that these link/s be deactivated immediately to remove the possible litigation, involvement and liability of your website/forum.

    Please be guided accordingly.

    大久保 浩二
    顧問弁護士 | ㈱ジャパンパートナー

    Koji Okubo - General Counsel
    Legal Department, Japan Partner

    Japan Partner Inc.
    PHONE: (+81)567-940-015
    FAX: (+81)567-940-0018

  8. #58

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    Angry japan partner inc fraud

    Japan partner inc statement is geared to intimidate JDMVIP forums administrators to remove this review that exposes their fraudulent business ways. Japan partner should use proper court procedures than intimidate bloggers administrators.
    I am a sincere importer of second hand vehicles from japan who got scammed by this company. I have previously shipped vehicles from other sincere japan companies including Rao international, Tomisho co. ltd, and recently with Matel trading co. ltd. with no problems at all.
    Japan partner inc has dozens of customer scamming complains. If you care for your hard earned cash, do not send this company your money, they are scammers!!!

  9. #59

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    Hello jplegal we are glad that someone from Japan Partner has responded to some of the feedback here but the template based response makes it appear Japan Partner is trying to silence all negative reviews and feedback. It creates a very bad public impression when someone posting as Japan Partner's legal counsel seems to be posting this template in all negative reviews. I can tell you our users are concerned and we're receiving feedback claiming Japan Partner is trying to strong-arm them into removing true feedback.

    We also take it seriously however if you do have proof that one of our users is doing as you have said but your template does not have enough details for us to investigate.

    1.) We need to know the exact user(s) you are referring to and posts and also need some proof that what you say is true.
    2.) Also please note that not all posts about Japan Partner originate from Africa.
    3.) Please provide a copy of the legal action and advise which user(s) you are referring to on our site.


    Quote Originally Posted by japanpartner View Post
    Japan partner inc statement is geared to intimidate JDMVIP forums administrators to remove this review that exposes their fraudulent business ways. Japan partner should use proper court procedures than intimidate bloggers administrators.
    I am a sincere importer of second hand vehicles from japan who got scammed by this company. I have previously shipped vehicles from other sincere japan companies including Rao international, Tomisho co. ltd, and recently with Matel trading co. ltd. with no problems at all.
    Japan partner inc has dozens of customer scamming complains. If you care for your hard earned cash, do not send this company your money, they are scammers!!!
    We are hearing the same complaints from other users but we have to give both sides a fair chance to have their say per the rules.
    Please contact a mod and select a different username as we've decided it is confusing and also against the rules (no one can have the name of an Exporter unless they are a paid Sponsor and the name can only be assigned to the true Exporter). If you have other usernames here this is not allowed and please advise which ones so we can combine them.

  10. #60

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    I was just about to contact them.
    Pff... good things I looked them up beforehand.

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