I just want to say thanks to all of the members and our moderators on these forums who have made our first year an awesome start.

I think we've created a very positive and useful community (and if we haven't done well enough tell us and help us make it better).

There have been a lot of great people joining, contributing and encouraging others to share more info about JDM cars.

I just want to say this again, but we're not like other sites, no one is going to bother you for asking or sharing information.

Don't be shy about asking any questions or sharing information, even if you think others know it, there's always some who don't.

I hope we can get more experts or people wanting to learn about different models of cars on this site. The Impreza section is a good example of what I hope the rest of the forums will turn into. Please share as much information about other cars and ask as many questions as you can.

We hope this will be the number one authority on all JDM vehicles, and anything we don't have on these forums can be asked and someone will find the answer.

Suggestions are always welcomed please post a new thread with your suggestions for this site.

Thanks in advance for making jdmvip.com's second year an even better one.

Cheers guys