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Thread: Passing Saskatchewan inspection w/out DOT approved headlamps?

  1. #1

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    Default Passing Saskatchewan inspection w/out DOT approved headlamps?

    I recently relocated from BC to Saskatchewan with my 2002 Honda Avancier. Now i need to get it inspected and passed in order to drive it but the headlamps are not DOT approved and I don't think there were ever any made that are approved. They are adjustable, however, to do what they need to do.
    Can anyone recommend any places in Saskatchewan that will pass cars without DOT approved headlamps or any ways around it?
    I'm also wondering if anyone knows where one can find Break and Alignment specs for an 02 Avancier.

  2. #2

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    Here is what the CVSE says:
    I am not sure where the handbook for OOP in SK is but you could show them this from CVSE. Mention the E-Code part and then tell them to look in their OOP guidelines about headlights hopefully it mentions E-Code is legal (I think it should be since almost everywhere recognizes that E is essentially the equivalent of DOT).

    Do you find the letters DOT and/or SAE permanent
    ly marked on or in the light or reflector?
    Yes: The light or reflector passes this test. Move on
    to the next light or reflector, or proceed to the next


    No: Search for an ECE approval mark that looks

    like (E5) or [e5] - the actual number after the E or e

    doesn’t matter.

    Do you find an E-code mark?
    Yes: The light or reflector passes this test. Move on

    to the next light or reflector, or proceed to the next


  3. #3

    User Info Menu


    Thank you! You actually saved me from either spending a ton of money or probably more likely selling my car. I pointed out the Ecode and they realized that it passed! Thanks for the help and the quick response!

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